Evolutionary Eating, Cooperation Among Kingdoms Through the Food Ingestion
The planetary reality has a severe deterioration and instability. A condition that owes much of its manifestation to our alimentary habits. Throughout the cycles, humanity has moved away from the possibility of assisting terrestrial life through evolutive alimentation. The inability to transcend instinctual and materialistic patterns by choosing primitive and outdated paradigms stimulated a selfish human culture on the planetary surface. The ingestion of corpses and insensitivity to the needs of the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms has amplified the gap between humanity and Cosmic Laws. As the Earth prepares to transcend the Law of Karma, most of us who inhabit it hinder the current transition into an Age of Light. A New Cycle where relations between human beings and the sub-human kingdoms will be marked by harmony, balance and love. In this book, Evolutive Eating, Daniel Gagliardo reveals aspects of the occult and spiritual relationship that underlies genuine vegan eating, thus allowing us to perceive the relationship between food intake and the Law of Service.