Puesta del sol 

We are a team dedicated to reflecting through our publishing activity the diffusion of cosmic science, also known as Cosmosophy Uksim, expressed by its founder, Instructor Daniel Gagliardo. One of our main objectives is to faithfully provide the essence of these teachings and make them accessible to the potential reader at very modest prices.
     The teams of the different areas that compose Luz del Valle and its various members synchronize the essence that must be present in a literary activity oriented and created to adhere to the circulatory order of a new cosmic-planetary cycle of transition, which is heading towards the apex of its manifestation.
     From the author's contributions -with characteristics of actualization and philosophical revelation- to the correction, systems and editing teams, the outcome presented to the reader is the result of a group of consciences committed to the truth of the essence and the common good.  
     All benefits obtained from the sale of these works are strictly applied to supporting the Uksim Planetary Service Centre in Sierra del Cielo and printing and reprinting new books.