The Brotherhood of the Light
  • The Brotherhood of the Light

The Brotherhood of the Light

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The Brotherhood of the Light: Verses of Prophetic Instruction

A prophetic stimulus is far from a prediction, a magical act or the tool by which an individual attempts to achieve or concretize something. Prophetic energy is not intended to pave the way for the realization of that which prophecy places on the conscious level of humanity. Its only meaning and goal is to promote the transformation of the recipients of that vibrational pattern. When a civilization or nation, or a group or set of beings, responds evolutionarily to the prophetic pattern that the Inner Laws offer it, it is possible that that prophecy in its entirety, as well as a part of it or a certain rate of intensity or scope of its energy field, need not be expressed in the formal or three-dimensional world. The impartiality and neutrality present in those who can assume the task of prophetic expression is essential. Beings whose lineage and inner condition favour the format of prophetic service should never have any preference concerning fulfilling this energy variable.  At present, as in every planetary and human stage, prophetic energy plays a role in the face of the grave situation of earthly imbalance. The formats assumed by this inner current of assistance can be multiple and even go unnoticed by a large part of humanity. Monadas with advanced cosmic training and Hierarchies, whose role at this stage is the profound accompaniment of human transformation, express themselves through the prophetic channels. In these writings, and in relation to his monadic lineage, Daniel Gagliardo assumes the task of participating in a planetary network which finds in this aspect of Cosmic Law one of its tools of service. The verses of prophetic instruction in this work aim to transmit patterns of behaviour that should be transcended to make way for the regency of the Higher Evolutionary Law on the earth's surface. Individuals should, for universal benefit, work for their transformation without awaiting the fulfilment or verification of any prophecy. Those who thus attune to the essence that is prophetically made available to them deepen their inner relationship with the truth, opening the way to a new era of Light.